Nate Paulsen

Specialties: Functional Training,  Muscle gain

Nate loves being active! He loves action movies, ninja warrior, camping, canoeing, kayaking, and eating!
Nate and his fiance have 5 kids collectively and whether it’s arm wrestling, horsey rides, or hiking he loves showing them the advantages of an active and healthy lifestyle.
Nate got into fitness at 30 when he realized he was drinking 4000 calories a day in the sugar he added to his coffee. His fitness journey then took him to a place where he learned the importance of bmr and he got his body fat percent down to below 9%.
Nate had previously been involved in drama and skills training so he applied his skills to his passion for fitness by teaching yoga, qigong, HIIT, and resistance training. He recently graduated from Madison college with a degree in fitness, is certified through ACE as both a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, has certification in AED use as well as CPR, and recently transferred to the UW Whitewater to further his education in the field of physical fitness.