Fitness Tracker 2.0 (FT2) Online provides 24/7 access to a master trainer in a virtual environment
The Fitness Tracker 2.0 series by Master Trainer Hans Schiefelbein is designed to provide information, coaching and accountability, and high-level training to anyone seeking to improve their fitness. For more information, visit
FT2 Online FT2 Online is an 8-week online course where Master Trainer Hans Schiefelbein looks over your fitness tracker data, gives feedback and as a result finds ways to improve your performance. In addition to providing feedback, each week Hans covers a new topic that is essential to long-term success in any fitness program. Topics include:
- exercise adherence
- appropriate progression of intensity
- journaling
One alternative to hiring a personal trainer each week is to sign up for FT2 Online. All you need is a fitness tracker (FitBit, Apple Watch, etc) and a free MyFitnessPal account. The best part is you can start your online coaching any time! For just $179 you get two weekly emails from Hans – one at the beginning of the week to set up the workouts and one at the end of the week to discuss how the training week went. These are the scheduled sessions but you have 24/7 priority access to Hans. Whatever comes up during the week you trainer is moments away from helping.
If you have any questions, email Hans. Sign up for FT2 Online at or stop by the front desk.