Flex (Small Group Training)

Flex Small Group Training is a small group training program centered around free weight and bodyweight exercises to help you effectively lose fat and gain muscle without spending hours in the gym each week. Unlike a typical large group fitness class, we create a customizable training program every 8-12 weeks. This means all participants receive a workout plan! Each session is 45-minutes in duration.

Training Times:

Tuesday 12:00 – 12:45pm

Tuesday 5:45 – 6:30pm Flex Tone

Wednesday 5:30 – 6:15pm (invite only) Flex Build

Wednesday 6:15 – 7:00pm Flex Build

Flex Build

Structured to help you burn fat and put on lean muscle mass. No more light weights and burpees, instead we utilize heavy compound lifts (squats, presses, pulls, and hinges), dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and bodyweight exercises to build a better looking and functioning body.

Flex Tone

Elevate your heart rate to burn extra calories and tone up with high intensity intervals done with body weight, kettlebell, and dumbbell exercises.

What’s included

-Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment

-Supplement Recommendations

-Training program

-Weekly Accountability

-A small group training atmosphere for that extra push

Fill in the form below to get started or email Patryk with any questions: Patryk.piekarczyk@phfitness.com

Interested in flex? Fill the form below to apply and see if you’re a good fit!

Flex Small Group Training
